Sunday, May 30, 2010

sometimes i feel like i have friends, like there are people that enjoy my company.
this illusion is usually shattered pretty quickly.
really, i enjoy sitting home all day by myself. i enjoy not having anyone to talk to besides my dog, and occasionally my boyfriend. it's really nice.
i love hearing about all the awesome things my friends have been doing. really.

not that i discriminate people or make friends based upon their beliefs, but where are all the sober vegan kids? oh yeah, in hawaii there are about 4 of them. i want to be able to go out with people and have lots of fun, but i feel like in most situations where going out is available to me, it involves being around lots of drunk people.
i don't mind that some people drink, i'm not trying to stop them. but i just do not want to be around it. there is not even anywhere to go to have fun that doesn't involve drinking.
and i pretty much suck, because i don't like dancing, or 80's music.
what's wrong with me? i don't know.
i'm just a loser i guess.

and i hate that the only day that "fun" is allowed to happen in my group of "friends" is on sundays. i am sick of it.

it would be nice to make some friends at school, but i am an awkward shithead, that is so stupid shy in front of large groups of people, everyone usually thinks i am a stuck up bitch. which i don't really think i am, but then again, do stuck up bitches know they are stuck up bitches? who knows..

basically this post was just to assert how happy i am with my life at this point. i love going to school all summer, i love working all the time, i love not having a life, i love not having friends.

it's not like anyone even reads this anyways..
and if they did, what difference would it make?

Monday, May 24, 2010


I'm not too sure why the titles and labels for my posts are in hindi.. hm.

जमेस लोवेस में.

yesterday james rode his bike to kailua over the pali. I met him at down to earth, and he had found me this cool flower. it was dying but i still thought it was really sweet and pretty.

लदिएस निघत

So the other night after work, Mia and I headed to china town for a night of fun with Anny Lou and Kelli. We hung out at Manifest. Some creepy dude was there in a blue shirt. But it was fun. James rode his bike down, and then we walked home together. I guess the rest of the ladies ended up at Smith's later in the night for karaoke, but I'm a grandma.

Of course in the one picture of all of us, I am making the stupidest goofy grin ever.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i don't know what's been going on in my head lately.
i'm probably crazy.

nobody's surprised.